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SPO(J)I: Pozivamo Vas…

Poštovani članovi, prijatelji i podržavaoci SPO(J)I-a! Pozivamo Vas na promotivno veče „Promocija časopisa Spoji!“ u organizaciji našeg udruženja! KADA: Subota, 9. april 2011. godine sa početkom u 20:00 časova GDE: „Buchgalerie“, Innstr. 35, 6020 Innsbruck

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On Croatian history textbooks

On Croatian history textbooks[1] (The text has been written after one month research in the Institute for international textbook research „Georg Eckert“ in Braunschweig, Germany, and thanks to the scholarship received from this institute).   Ćirilica Goran Latinovic,

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