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Tajanstveni gosti

Ustaše su osnovali svoj politički logor – ustaški stan – imenovali logornika (po selima tabore na čelu s tabornikom), okružili ga s pobočnicima, pozvali narod na mitinge i javno ga zaklinjali Paveliću. Talijanska komanda neće

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Slana i drugi lokaliteti

U središte otoka Paga ucijepila se dugačka uvala u koju se ulazi sa sjeveroistoka, iz Planinskog kanala, kroz »Paška vrata« koja su se rastvorila između dva rta, Svetog Nikole i Svetog Krištofora (Jedan i drugi

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Nedoumice posvuda

Upoređujući ustaška priznanja, izjave svjedoka i drugo i razmatrajući odvođenje i dovođenje sa Velebita i obratno, ispada reljefno jasno sa su ustaše naprosto i sami ponekada bili dovoljno smeteni pitanjem: gdje smještavati, gdje ubijati, na

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Read clearly

There is one question to which Canon J. Felicinović answered, although vaguely. If you read “Personal Memories” on page 4 you can read about the arrest of Janko Rausavljević and Lazo Rakić (clerks from Pag)

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Poems on Slana (Ante Zemljar)

Nameless line Flocks of seagulls disturbed Circle over rocky capes All day Impatiently – Because they see us in columns – Hoping to descend to where we occupied their nests They do not suspect that

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Testimony of Zlatko Vajler

Zlatko Vajler   While I was collecting testimonies about Slana camp, I rejoiced every time I heard that someone came out of Slana alive. It seemed that not all was black in this deepening pit

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My buried hopes

It is very strange, among other things, when for example Nada Feureissen says: “From Metajna we went to Slana on trabaccolo cargo ships. After that we boarded a sail ship and after half an hour

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The contents and topics of “CHARON AND DESTINIES” are historical literature on the Second World War which was initiated by nationalist and fascist ideas based on domination through liberation of your own people and enslavement

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Paintings on Slana (Mario D’Anna)

Mario D’Anna PAINTINGS ON SLANA Mario D’ANNA: WATERCOLOURS Mario D’ANNA, Italian painter, born 1933, living in Como, Italy, discovered SLANA as his inspiration late, but it became fruitful. In 1987 he had an exhibition of

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Atlas Pokolja