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Prof. Raphael Israeli in Kosovo, September 4, 2011

Prof. Raphael Israeli
Prof. Raphael Israeli


Raphael Rafa Israeli, an Israeli academic, Professor of Islamic, Middle Eastern and Chinese history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a member of the steering committee of the Ariel Center for Policy Research, speaks on the consecration of the new-elected Bishop Jovan (Culibrk), coordinator of the Jasenovac Committee, in the Serbian Patriarchate of Pec in Kosovo at September  04. 2011., about historical and current similarities and parallels between the situation in Serbia and Israel. 

 Professor Israeli has taken a part on the First International Conference on Ustasha Concentration Camps in Jadovno – Gospić 1941. in Banja Luka, June 24.-25. 2011.

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Помозите рад удружења Јадовно 1941.

Напомена: Изнесени коментари су приватна мишљења аутора и не одржавају ставове УГ Јадовно 1941. Коментари неприкладног садржаја ће бити обрисани без упозорења.

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