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Memorial room for children murdered by Ustasha criminals

Spomen soba Dubica - djeca u NDH - Boško Jugović - Спомен соба Дубица – дјеца у НДХ – Бошко Југовић


Yesterday in Kozarska Dubica, with attendance by President of the Association of Second
World War Camp Inmates from Republika Srpska Gojko Knežević, President of the
Association of Descendants and Supporters of the Victims of the Complex of
Camps Gospić – Jadovno 1941 Dr Dušan Bastašić, Rector of Kozarska Dubica Gojko
Slijepčević and numerous citizens and guests from other towns and Canada, a
memorial room dedicated to children, victims of Ustasha genocide 1941 – 1945
was opened. As a kind of legacy, this memorial room is a present by Boško
Jugović, who as a child himself spent a part of his childhood in Jasenovac
camp. As a part of the ceremonial opening of the Memorial Room there was a
sanctification ceremony and artistic programme. Gojko Knežević, Dušan Bastašić
and the donor, Boško Jugović addressed the attendees.

Let it be remembered, let it not be forgotten!

Nada Markuč Ranilović


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Помозите рад удружења Јадовно 1941.

Напомена: Изнесени коментари су приватна мишљења аутора и не одржавају ставове УГ Јадовно 1941. Коментари неприкладног садржаја ће бити обрисани без упозорења.

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