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JHMF Official Reaction regarding comments made by High Representative Valentin Inzko

Valentin Inzko
Valentin Inzko

Dragana Tomasevic writes to Boris Johnson and Austrian authorities – Bosnia’s dangerously ignorant High Representative must go јануар 11, 2017.
Austrian diplomat and High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina causes shock and dismay among Serbs as he compares Republika Srpska national holiday on Monday with that of the the WW2 genocidal creation Independent State of Croatia.

Valentin Inzko was born into an Austria-Slovenian family and his choice to marry an Argentine Slovene shows he continues to keep his ethnic identity dear. Many in Republika Srpska however feel Inzko has a bias against the republic and ethnic Serbs.

In making the comparison, it is not clear whether the bungling bureaucrat intended to malign the Serbs who had fought fascism in WW2 or whitewash genocide committed by the Ustashe. While Inzko has condemned Serbs in Bosnia he has been markedly less critical of rising militant Islamism in Bosnia. Civic association Istocna Alternativa issued a press release which says „Evidence to his bias is the fact that since he arrived in BiH, he has never gone to see any site in Republika Srpska where Serbs were executed, while he regularly visits the Muslim military cemetery in Potocari and others elsewhere“.

Dragana Tomasevic, Director of the Jasenovac and Holocaust Memorial Foundation, wrote the following email to both the UK foreign office and the Austrian government.

You may wish to consider writing your own letter of complaint to British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson on his email fcocorrespondence@fco.gov.uk .

JHMF Official Reaction regarding inappropriate, derogatory and offensive comments made by High Representative Valentin Inzko comparing Republika Srpska to Independent State of Croatia:

Dear Sirs

I am writing to you in the capacity of Director of the Jasenovac and Holocaust Memorial Foundation, the only registered charity in Europe promoting awareness of the genocide and holocaust perpetrated by the Catholic Croatian Ustasha against Serbian, Jewish and Roma people in the WW2 Independent State of Croatia.

We are deeply saddened by the news coming from Bosnia and Herzegovina yesterday regarding Valentin Inzko’s outrageous statement where he compared the Serbian entity (Republika Srpska) to the Independent State of Croatia.

The High Representative of Austrian origin is most probably unaware of the fact that Independent State of Croatia (ISC) was form under Ante Pavelic helped by the Hitler and Pope Pius XI. The objective of ISC was to slaughter 1/3 of the Serbians, 1/3 to convert into Roman Catholicism and 1/3 to exile from their centuries old homeland. Republika Srpska today remains a territory where most survivors of the ISC genocide live, with their descendants. It is also worth pointing out that this exact territory also remains the only place where Serbian Orthodox population managed to survive in any number, where they have their own control.

The High Representative is most probably unaware of the fact that Jasenovac system of Croatian concentration camps was the third largest concentration camp in Europe, and the ONLY known concentration camp in the WORLD that had separate sections for CHILDREN ONLY. It is estimated that in Croatian Ustasha led Jasenovac concentration camps over 700,000 Serbian, 23,000 Jewish and over 80,000 Roma lost their innocent lives. Amongst the victims, The International Commission’s experts also estimated that there were 110,000 children UNDER the age of 14.

As a direct descendent of the Croatian Ustasha victims, I am deeply offended by Mr Inzko’s comparison as it does not only offend us, the descendents, but also the victims of Croatian Ustasha genocide.

His current level of knowledge clearly makes him unequal to the task for which he has been appointed. It is surely time, therefore, for High Representative Inzko to tender his resignation effective immediately.

I can also declare that I do not represent any political party, view or the opinion.

I represent only those whose silence is eternal.

Yours Faithfully

Dragana Tomasevic

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