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Israeli TV crew filming a documentary about Ustaša concentration camps escorted from Pag by police


Commemorative plaque at the site of the Ustaša concentration camp in the bay of Slana on the island of Pag

Commemorative plaque at the site of the Ustaša concentration
camp in the bay of Slana on the island of Pag

An Israeli TV crew intending to film a documentary about the Ustaša concentration camps on the island of Pag, established at the beginning of the Second World War in Yugoslavia (1941) in the bays of Slana and Metajna on the same island, were prevented from doing so as residents of Metajna called the police on the grounds that the TV crew did not have permission to film the local school. The Israeli TV crew was escorted away from the island of Pag by the police, according to the Sunday edition of the main evening news of Croatian Radio-Television (HRT).

ZAGREB – An Israeli TV crew intending to film a documentary on the island of Pag about Ustaša concentration camps established on the same island, in the bays of Slana and Metajna, at the beginning of the Second World War in Yugoslavia (1941) were prevented from doing so as residents of Metajna called the police on the grounds that the TV crew did not have permission to film the school. As a result, the Israeli TV crew was escorted away from the island of Pag by the police, according to the Sunday edition of the main evening news of Croatian Radio-Television (HRT).

According to HRT, the Israeli TV crew will continue filming on Petrova Gora.

At the beginning of the Second World War in Yugoslavia (1941), concentration camps were established in the bay of Slana on Pag where, according to HRT, “in the summer of 1941, in the bays of Slana and Metajna, eight thousand people were forced to live in inhumane conditions, under an open sky. Their only crime was that they were Jews, Roma and Serbs. They were deported from Zagreb and the region around the town of Gospić”. The vast majority of those in the camp were women and after three months the camp was closed.

Together with the Israeli crew, Dani Novak, a 70-year old Jewish American, arrived on the island of Pag. He stated for HRT that he had come to explore the place where his grandmother and aunt were imprisoned. “I know that they were imprisoned in a house in Metajna”, he stated.

A representative of the Jewish national minority of the City of Zagreb, Sanja Zoričić Tabaković, stated that the police initially confiscated the passports of the Israeli TV crew, but later behaved very correctly.

The regional Lika-Senj police authority stated that on Saturday, at 17.50 hours, the local police station in Novalja received a complaint from a local citizen that several individuals were filming the school in Metajna. The police claimed that the passports of the TV crew were not confiscated.

The residents of Metajna called the police to report the unauthorised filming of the local school, while some of them stated for HRT that they knew nothing about the whole affair but that they felt offended as a number of crews had come to film house supposedly used to imprison camp inmates, which some of the local inhabitants claimed was untrue.


Izvor: Novi List

 Prilog je emitovan u centralnom Dnevniku HRT  06. septembra 2015. sa početkom u 26:00 minuti.


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Prilog je emitovan u centralnom Dnevniku HRT  06. septembra 2015. sa početkom u 26:00 minuti.

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